Self funded, unannounced multiplayer extraction ARPG.
You can already wishlist Morgenstern on Steam – If you would like to test the demo, please reach out to us, there are Steam keys available!

Providing production services for Moon Studios ‘No Rest For The Wicked’

For Orcari Games we worked on Cryptant, a project for PC and Consoles. The Cryptant team was composed of seasoned professionals with experience at leading companies such as 343 Industries, Rockstar Games, Nvidia, Warner Bros., Lionhead, among others.

Before switching to AA PC & Console games Doublesmith released a dozen of mobile games. Those games were either self-published or for high profile clients like Disney and Docomo Digital. Here are a few of them:

Keepy Ducky – We have teamed up with iBallisticSquid and Disney Maker Studios to bring you Keepy Ducky! Meet Ali-A, Amy Lee, Ashdubh and many other characters in iBalisticSquids Keepy Ducky! Trailer:

Lose your head in Headless as you take control of a headless chicken trying to stay alive! Headless is an endless runner. How far can a headless chicken run? Trailer:

Burg Schreckenstein – the official game to the movie is a challenging one-button game! Play for the girls or the boys with the cute game-avatars.
It is fast, it is intense, it is provocative – it is the Poledance Simulator. Meet Jesus, Hitler Trump, the Queen and many more, dancing on the pole! Trailer:
Impossible Super Ninja is the most intense one-button game! Jump! Scale Walls! Hop from side-to-side as you dodge spikes, spinning blades, throwing stars and avoid obstacles! Trailer:
Firewater is not your run-of-the-mill endless runner game, this is not a joyride. It’s a breakneck speed boosting bonanza like no other! Quick! It’s time to vamoose, buckaroos! Trailer:
Doublesmith was founded by Gila and Reinhard who previously worked for Rockstar Games, Walt Disney and Rabcat where they helped to ship games like Forza Horizon, Split Second, Manhunt2, Crackdown2, Cursed Mountain and 20+ Casino and Slot games for the Austrian Lotteries.

Reinhard Schmid
Co Founder

Gila Schmid
Co Founder
Clients, Partners and end customers of our work.

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Contact Info
Doublesmith GmbH
- FNr: 421048p, HG Wien
- UID: ATU69035929
- , Hütteldorferstrasse 226/12, 1140 Vienna, Austria
- O (+43) 069919447880
- Publisher & responsible for all contents:
- Gila & Reinhard Schmid
- © doublesmith2013
- Informationspflicht lt § 5 Abs 1 E-Commerce-Gesetz